二 月 堂


The Shuni-e Ceremony

 The Shuni-e Ceremony at the Nigatsu-do is best known by the name of Omizutori.Begun in 752 by Jitchu,the chief disciple of Roben who founded Todai-ji,the ceremony is formally a rite of repetenance to Eleven-headed Kannon in which penitence for one's misdeeds is sought in front of an image of Eleven-headed Kannon.Due to the Three Poisons--covetouness,anger and ignorance that are the true nature of humans--we commit myriad offenses which accumulate as contaminants of the spirit; as a result we become unable to see the truth and we also become ill. Through the ceremony one can repent one's misdeeds and attain a pure mind and body, do away with the misfortune and woes that are the retribution for one's evil deeds, and obtain well-being.However,although the Shuni-e is a rite of penetance it is important to remember that when it was begun it was a ritual performed on behalf of the state.Natural disasters, epidemics and rebellions were all seen as illness of the state and ritual was performed in order to cure such illnesses, to gain a fruitful harvest of the Five Crops,and to achieve peace under heaven,in other words to guarantee the wellfare of the people.







書 写 山 圓 教 寺

宝 篋 院

寧 楽 美 術 館